Greeting Cards
Calligraphy, hand lettering and illustration for social expressionThis collection of designs for greeting card companies such as Schurman and Portal showcases elegant scripts and original illustrations done with pen, brush and ink. I have a fatal fondness for hearts and flowers, although when left to my own devices I may add a lemony twist. The above Valentine which I sent out as a promotion for my studio features a quote from a Sufi wise man of ancient times. Inside, the greeting cautions the recipient to “love wisely.” I was thrilled to have this card selected for inclusion in Print Magazine’s Annual.

My own personal greeting card featuring the lion and lamb, who I thought could probably figure things out if they met under the mistletoe.
Cards are back. Yes they are. A thank-you sent by email takes about one calorie of effort to prepare and even less to receive. Do you linger over a texted “thx” with love and affection and pride? Or do you just scan and delete while surfing Facebook and checking your twitter feed? Contrast this with the thank-you notes that arrive after you throw a 5-course dinner party for 12 paleo/vegan/lactose/gluten-and pleasure-intolerant guests. . . . you probably sit down to open those cards and then you put them in a brocade box that says “Keep.” Those thank-yous take time and thought and ceremony.
To send a card you have to shop, peruse, collect, think, and find the perfect sentiment. You have to write with a pen. You have to find a stamp, lick it and get the card into the sweet embrace of a postal worker. It’s not convenient, it’s thoughtful. It’s about love, and time, and attention. Just do it – but don’t forget the zipcode.
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